Assault Battery

San Jose Assault and Battery

Facing charges of assault or battery requires the counsel of an experienced San Jose criminal defense attorney. At the Law Office of Daniel Jensen, we aggressively defend people charged with a variety of criminal offenses. We serve clients throughout Silicon Valley, including Santa Clara County and Alameda County.

Our team of experienced San Jose criminal lawyers has defended California residents charged with:

A battery charge requires the intentional use of force to harm a person intentionally, but an assault charge does not require physical touching. There are many things considered assault or battery, including:

  • Verbal, emotional, and physical abuse
  • Intimidation and threat
  • Touching or harassment

If you are arrested for assault and battery, request to speak to a San Jose Criminal Lawyer before making a statement that can be construed as incriminating to the police. While it is important to cooperate with the police, remember they are building a case against you. Do not help them by providing evidence or statements about your case, even if you are innocent. Unlike on cop shows seen on TV, requesting to speak to a lawyer is not an almost immediate admission of guilt; it is just smart.

If you are convicted, the penalties for assault and battery convictions depend upon the circumstances of the crime and your prior record. Under California’s “three strikes and you’re out” law, each serious felony conviction that is received serves as a strike against a record. If you are convicted of a crime equating to your third strike, the sentence can be anywhere from twenty-five years to life in prison. The Law Office of Daniel Jensen, P.C. strongly defends people facing the harsh consequences of the three strikes law.

For more information about a charge of assault or battery, call the San Jose Law Office of Daniel Jensen, P.C. at (408) 296-4100. We offer a free initial consultation with one of our attorneys to discuss your case. Fill out and submit the attached contact us form with your questions.

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